Bret & Sallie’s Farewell Gathering, Redwood Chapel Community Church January 9, 2000
On January 9, 2000 Bret & Sallie Johnson were honored for their more than ten years of service as Pastor to Students, then Associate Pastor at Redwood Chapel Community Church. It was a fun night with lots of laughter and some tears.
(Note on the audio: it may be easier to download the file via dropbox or play through dropbox so that you can scroll through the time markers. A higher quality audio file is here)
Here are some time markers and highlights of the service recorded (then digitized) above:
0:00- 1:00 Introduction by Pastor Chris Lyons, Senior Pastor (Pastor Chris hosts the evening also)
1:02- 6:30 First worship set featuring Todd Proctor (with backup by Andrew Richardson and Brian Hiner)
6:30-7:10 Todd reflects on his relationship with Bret & Redwood Chapel
7:10-15:30 Todd’s second set
15:30-16:50 Todd encourages everyone to realize that it is God who works in us, we honor people but we really praise the God who works in us
16:50-32:22 Todd leads in another set of worship and response
32:45 -36:30 Student testimonies about Bret & Sallie’s ministry: Emily Boyd, Adam Carson, Bryce Geyer
36:30 - 42:00 Slide Show- Audio only (sorry)
42:00- Student Ministry Staff Testimonies
42:38-43:26 Ryan Poling (served as Jr. High Pastor in the late 90’s and today is Lead Pastor at The River Christian Community in Oakdale, California
43:28- 45:32 Brenda Comfort (served as Administrative Assistant and Ministry Lead in Student Ministries for much of the 90’s)
45:35- 46:16 Heather Miller (comments directed to Sallie), Pastor Jeff Miller’s wife (see below)
46:18- 49:00 Jeff Miller (former Youth Pastor at Redwood Chapel and now serves as Lead Pastor at Redwood)
49:00- 50:00 Parody on Bret’s ministry style featuring Rob Hall, Jason Wigand, Christiaan VandenHeuvel
50:00- 50:42 What would a church service be without an offering? Pastor Kent Roberts leads out followed by Todd Proctor once again leading during the offering.
50:43-59:31 Todd leads in worship during
59:32- 1:01:46 Todd reflects on his time with Dawson McAllister and God put another song on his heart (“Dare to Live the Difference”) and some reflections on doing ministry with Bret and how Bret called out some things in Todd’s life and ministry which led to his nationwide ministry.
1:01:50- 1:04:35 Todd leads “Dare to Live the Difference”
1:04:40-1:05:05 Pastor Chris Lyons introduces Bret to share some of his reflections on time at Redwood Chapel
1:05:25- Bret shares FIVE BIG MEMORIES from his time at Redwood Chapel
1:07:30 -1:10:52 Memory 1- Hume Lake, 1989-1990 “We Can Change the World” Joel Weldon’s song
1:11:00- 1:17:15 Memory 2 - The Invitation to the Hayward High Football team during the Dawson Youth Crusades at Redwood
1:12:45 - 1:14:15 Rob Hall shares about that experience
1:14:20-1:15:34 J.D. shares his story about coming to Christ a year after the football team at an event featuring Josh McDowell
1:15:50 -1:17:00 J.D. Chu shares his story of being at the crusade with the Hayward Team
1:17:20- 1:25:20 Memory 3- Bret tells the story of hosting the Billy Graham Crusade at the Oakland Coliseum in 1997 featuring Redwood Chapel students and one important girl from Skyline High School.
1:24:05 Matt Lee’s famous prayer (and amazing one) at the end of the crusade with thousands of people who have just come forward.
1:25:30 -1:26:49 Memory 4- Bret shares the memories of missions trips to Mexico especially working with Israel Casillas (who is still a close friend and ministry partner with Bret today)
1:26:50 - 1:27:55 Memory 5 - Praying at Holy Ground, a spot overlooking the whole Bay Area up in the East Bay hills.
1:28:00 Bret thanks Pastor Chris & Connie Lyons
Bret hosts the Billy Graham Crusade at the Oakland Coliseum along with Jason Wigand and Matthew Lee (Redwood Chapel high school students at the time)
Some of our wonderful girls in student ministries at Redwood Chapel. Brenda, in the pink sweater, would become the Administrative Assistant to the Student Ministries Department and Bryanna, green sweater, would go on to serve in the 2000’s in many different capacities.
Bret baptizes Jeff Miller. Jeff would become the Lead Pastor of Redwood Chapel where he continues in that role.
It all started when…
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