Raising Up a New Generation of Zealous Goers and Senders to Fulfill Jesus' Last Command
Our Mission
The Hastening is an organization designed to inspire and encourage Jesus followers to understand and engage God's passion and heart for all peoples. We desire to raise up a new generation of zealous senders and goers to fulfill the final command of Jesus to make disciples of every people group on earth. We dream of all of God’s people living a life on mission with God.
How We Accomplish This
We do this through several means:
1) Through teaching and preaching in churches, student ministries, Christian schools and wherever God opens a door to teach what He is doing in our world.
2) Through facilitating and promoting the Kairos Course, and other mobilization tools.
3) Through exposing teams of people from churches, schools, and home groups to cross-cultural ministry via short-term experiences.
4) Through cooperating with other like-minded ministries to accomplish all of the above.
What We dream Of
We dream of being able to motivate and mobilize thousands of Jesus followers to know and understand and live out God's heart and passions. Almighty God is passionate about His fame and glory being experienced by all the people groups in the world.
Depending on how you divide ethnic/linguistic groups there are somewhere between 13,000 (minimum count) and 24,000 (maximum count) people groups in the world. Some are very small and others very large. Some have the whole Bible in their language, an indigenous church, many workers, leaders, facilities, schools and seminaries. Other groups have none of the above. Jesus said this, "This gospel of the Kingdom will be proclaimed to all the nations and then the end will come..." (Matthew 24:14). We believe this is also the "fullness of the Gentiles" that Paul speaks of in Romans 11:25.
It should be the heart of every follower of Jesus to want to spread the incredible message of God's love and forgiveness to all peoples. Rejecting a life of ease and comfort, we follow the example of Jesus and the earliest Christians to dare to take the message to the ends of the earth.